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美国ESEE-Izula-B-Signature Series著名丛林生存刀
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美国ESEE-Izula-B-Signature Series著名丛林生存刀(现货)

  • 商品货号:AM001653
  • 本店售价:
  • 用户评价: comment rank 5



购买美国ESEE-Izula-B-Signature Series著名丛林生存刀请扫描此二维码

美国ESEE-Izula-B-Signature Series著名丛林生存刀


This unique knife is extremely handy and will fit in most anywhere. Whether you carry it in a belt sheath or as a neck knife, the Izula will not disappoint you with its performance.

Where did the name IZULA come from? The locals in Peru call the meanest, nastiest ant of the jungle by the name "Isula" (spelled with an "s"). We know it as the Bullet Ant. The Bullet Ant is known to be independent, tough, light on its feet, and a real aggressive survivor... the IZULA knife is built the same way. This knife is designed to be the perfect lightweight survival kit or concealed carry knife.

Features a high quality, wear resistant textured powder coat finish, pommel hole to accommodate carabiner, thumb grippers on the spine and each knife engraved with name, logo and unique serial number.

Handle can be wrapped with Paracord.

Comes with a black injection molded sheath.


型 号: IZUIA B
全 长: 160mm
刀 长: 68mm
刃 材: 1095
硬 度: 57HRC
表 面: 黑色涂层
刃 厚: 4.1mm
柄 长: 92mm
重 量: 77g(含鞘)
刀 套: 尼龙
产 地: 美国

此款直刀系著名丛林生存刀具RAT公司(Randall's Adventure & Training) 生产,Izula-PKT 直刀是为了在严苛的环境下使用而研发制成坚固耐用,刀刃使用高硬度1095工具钢,刀刃表面防锈、消光处理,刀刃硬度57 HRC,非常适合野外使用。


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